SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Happy Daffodil Day!

Happy St Davids Day any Welsh folks out there!

Today has been BUSY. Breakfast network meeting at 7am with no coffee for an hour! Great talk though which was great, but all I want is a drink in the morning at that time!

Back home, sorted slideshow for next client at 9:30am and bleeding ipad was playing up along with my website. Proof I *NEED* a Macbook lol!

Met with next client who is looking for a big job to be undertaken. It is going to be interesting, a challenge (in a good way!) and really fulfilling. Keep everything crossed! Last I had the doctors and need to be booked in for a mini op. Not quite what I wanted to hear after the buzzing morning, but necessary no less.

Great class in the afternoon, followed by a chilled evening!

Todays blip had to be daffodils. I used my macro lens probably for the last time as I need to desperately save for new camera. Hope to buy another macro again, one day!

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