As Promised...

By aspromised


Stew was at a concert last night with his friends in Glasgow whilst I stayed in and watched scary movies... (and a bit of Django - the old western)

The boy got back rather late, or should I say early (5am) and woke me up.. Told me how they had been stopped by the police twice! Not for law breaking but just because they had a car full of young(ish) boys!

I'm not good a falling asleep and found it difficult to do so after waking up.. So I was a tired girl today! (plus this stinky cold Iv had all week) when I got home from TGCS, I went for a lie down but woke up feeling much better and not such a stuffy nose!

Off to puppy sit for Mr Macca, M's looking after him for a couple of weeks... He's a handsome boy! And quite playful... Maybe a couple of bad habits! But I'm sure our top puppy walker can fix him :) she's good you know!

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