Spring at Granja Bridge

Rock roses like stars
Illuminating green slopes
Resin scent surrounds

Touch crushed silk petals
Blood red teardrop, golden crown
Translucent beauty *

Swooping arrowheads **
Rusty breasts, rarely resting
Swallows building nests

Overhead, cranes call
Gathering on timely thermals
Off to cooler climes

At our feet, puffballs
Too damp to release their spores
All around, diggings...

Evidence of boars
Cloven hooves marking old mud
Enough to scare me

Greens reflecting clean
"Dearest freshness deep down things" ***
Grandeur charging scene

* extras
** dots in photo, and nests under bridge
*** G M Hopkins

- morning outing to bridge at Granja
- sink and cutlery drawer finished
- profitable Zoom call with couple considering Portugal

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