
By DaveStevens1982

22k run in the RAIN

The first rain I ve seen since October and boy I forgot how miserable that stuff is. I took a day off the hill and got a long run in despite the nasty conditions that included gale force winds, rain and ice. The bad weather makes the run more exciting as you feel a bit more exposed to the outdoors which I get a kick out of. I felt good so cranked the pace of this (steady) run & averaged around 7:15 per mile giving me a half marathon time of 1:35. This was not bad for a steady training run in savage conditions and I hit my marathon pace. If I carry on like this I might just hit my goal!

Once again I ruined all the hard work by going to Mel's for wings and beers. The irony of this is that this bar is the host for the half marathon in September in which I got a spot for this year. It sold out in a day! I missed out the last 2 years so I will be joining the other 6000 participants in my own town.

This is the Banff Springs hotel from suprise corner. And yes my camera got 'a bit' wet on the run, but nothing damaging.

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