Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Everything is fine. I even got a compliment by the doctor for my large and very nice pupil. :D She had no trouble looking in and around it and saw nothing wrong with the retina, thankfully. I still need to be watchful if something does change with my eyesight.
I came to a nurse first that checked my eyesight and I realised that i need to see an optician for a new pair of glasses. She also measured the pressure in both eyse, and no problem there - thankfully. She gave me eye dropps that enlarged the pupil, so it wasn't going to react to light and then I sat in the waiting room for a while. Lots of kids there. Some really scared, crying and not wanting to do any kind of examination. Some didn't care. Some scared, but brave after some talking to. One kid, especially, such a sweetheart, was scared of all the people with masks on. The kids waiting area was the same as for on call patients.
Then I was called in to a doctor and a student and went through a really thorough examination of my eye. I was asked if the student could look in my eye too, since I had such a large and very nice pupil. Flattery... how could I say no to that?? She had a test coming up, so I was happy to be at help, even though the instrument she used wasn't helpful with such near sight eye, as I have. At least she knows that. :)
It took several hours, lots of waiting in-between the examinations, but it was all worth it when I got the all clear.
Wearing a mask and having glasses isn't really all that fun, so I'm making my own masks instead. I've found a special kind of fabric, produced especially for mask making - the filter part, at a lokal fabric shop. I was going to buy it today, but after several hours in the hospital, I was too tired and went home instead.
Now, food, rest and reading a book. :)

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