Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


... Cold mizzle.

My little companion was still singing. I don't kid myself that it was for my benefit; there's a mate around too, and it's probably pretty imperative to impress? 
I didn't stay outside for long. Unlike Himself, who wanted to bed in some new plants to his almost finished rockery; he stayed out in the rain. (I'll blip the rockery at some point, it's a work of art).

My own day has been much less productive, and has revolved mainly around food and cooking. At the back of the fridge I found cream, gruyere and herbs that need using, and I made pastry so it's going to be one of those delicious-but-not-very-healthy days today. (Fine if you're burning off calories stomping around in the mud of a new rockery, wielding tons of earth. Less so if you've been a bit of a lardy pants).

Salad tomorrow. Honest. 

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