
By olivereastwd

Wee birdie in house

It's been an insanely busy week, so I've not been writing a lot and I've been doing a lot of retroposting (if that's a word). But the work is done and I can relax a bit! On top of my regular workload, I also had 10 hours of work and 2 big essays. Since I was at work last Saturday and wrote essays all day Sunday, I actually haven't had a day off in almost 2 weeks!

But first, Friday - I've got my tutorials then will cycle off to meet Rosie. She's back in school for her drama class on a Friday afternoon, so we'll walk home together and go to the shops for out meal. Might do something nice as I've actually got the time to cook!

I've been loving this warm weather - it's really helping me stay in a positive frame of mind through endless days in my room. A great bit of news out of this week is that I've got a place back in halls for next year! I really needed some security for next year, so having a place secured instead of having to go flat-hunting is a massive weight off my shoulders.

Staying positive and looking forward to relaxing this weekend - hope you are too! O

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