Light Contemplation

As apposed to the heavy stuff I suppose...

A Photographic bonanza today as we Zoomed with our Wanaka photo group that now has more members in other places and then had coffee and conversation with his Wellington U3A smartphone group which was really bad as one of the ladies had upgraded her iPhone and The Boss refused to lay a finger on it as considered it more dangerous than Covid. There followed an even worse conversation where another lady wanted to discuss it's new features. Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear. Face masks would not of helped. Dark glasses possibly?
OH and we had a small "Rock Concert" at 2.30 this morning when a 7.1 earthquake hit 105 Km east of the North Island. No damage occured but it took him a while to go back to sleep. Our NASA (National Assessor of Siesmic Activity) dog Pierson, see extra, was not alarmed and didnt fall off her elevated perch.  
It's all go here!

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