Posing Sheep
It has been an exciting day. The ongoing saga of G’s car takes us to Llandudno for a new battery to be fitted. This could have been done at the same time as the service, but Halfords charge far less - hence today’s journey. We have to wait, of course, so this gives us the excuse to head to West Shore, an almost untouched stretch of coast - and beyond the confines of our ‘exercise from home’ boundaries.
It’s into this sea that the river Conwy flows. The tide is so far out, we feel we could walk across the estuary. Indeed, to the west, the tidal flats make even Anglesey seem accessible on foot.
It’s a flat, grey morning, the air chilled, but as we walk along the beach, the clouds to the south west are thinning. Rays of sunlight are filtering through, lighting small patches of the Carneddau - the northern section of the Snowdonia range, a magical area roamed by an ancient breed of wild pony. With luck, it won’t be long until we can return.
We walk on north, towards the massive outcrop of the Orme, before we take a track up to the east to skirt its southern slopes. This takes us to ‘Invalids’ Walk’ - a panoramic path affording views across the town and out over the coast, named, after its use by injured WW1 soldiers who were convalescing here.
We do see some of the Orme’s infamous goats, but they are too far away today. Instead, we come across a few stray sheep, content to graze close to the path. Unexpectedly, they seem unfazed by my approach, and almost seem to pose against the backdrop. It’s too a good a blip to miss.
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