A Tiny Garden in NE Wales

By aTinyGarden

Lighter evenings

A bitterly cold day, but no rain. Monthly shop, petrol top up, drop off at Dr's and prescription collection. All local, 4 miles one way, 5 miles the other. All done by 9.30am.

R usually does the supermarket shopping if only one person allowed, but today I did it. Mainly as there were things I wanted and no alternatives would do :D it was very quiet and I could browse a little. But having to empty a whole trolley on to the conveyor belt at the check out and put it all back in the trolley after the very fast Aldi checkout operator has whizzed it through the till is exhausting. Think I'll let R do it next time!

Blip is emergency tree and sheep blip. After being in several shops and all over the place, still failed to take any photos.

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