The first rhubarb of 2021
I'd left my camera up into the shed at the allotment, remembering at 5.30pm I dashed up to retrieve it ... it was cold. The camera was cold, the lens steamed up when I got home. I hastily snapped the young bright pink tender sticks of rhubarb, then continued making dinner.
I walked to the plot with the kitchen waste, picked up the lawn edging tool, nipped to get the paper, bumping into a couple of fellow plot holders. It was very chilly. Back home, I did a bit of searching found a good reference site for 4 section allotment plots. the brain's gone! What's it called. ARGH! Anyway made a scaled plan, scribbled some Post it's, well not proper Post it's. Last years Xmas cards cut into squares then a bit of masking tape. Think I've got it!!! I improvised with found bits of timber for my plot so the beds are a bit random when it comes to size. NOW if I had the plot split into 4 it would be easier. Hey ho!!! Then I got the calling ... Come to the plot .... I went to the plot. I met a newbie, Alan. I turned two beds , emptied one compost bin spreading the compost over what will be my courgette/pumpkin/squash beds, the remainder over the potato bed. Alan came down from his new plot holding clods of clay ... "Is this clay?" "Yep!" That's why the previous gardener implemented the no dig growing method. I manured the runner bean trenches, pruned the blueberries, then checked out the rhubarb. I's placed a clay planter over one crown a few months back. Some very pretty young stems ready for picking. Gosh I need to eat more fruit. I'm currently enjoying poached homegrown blackcurrants with my yogurt & granola for breakfast every morning, & still have gooseberries, rhubarb, & blackberries in the freezer. The plot that keeps on giving. I love it! I'll probably ache tomorrow, but I love it there.
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