Eva kept asking me to take photos of her doing handstands so she could see if get legs were straight!

Busy day with all three horses having the dentist this morning. Fortunately Lime didn't need anything doing and the other two just needed a few sharp edges taking off so much better than last time.

I had my radiotherapy this afternoon then I finally plucked up the courage to follow through on my decision to make one of our employees redundant, which is due to how hard we've been hit by Covid. I'd already had several conversations with her so she knew that it was on the table. She was very good about it. It was still horrible but it's not personal. There's just not enough work for all of us and I carried it for the last six months, pretty much working for nothing. It is daunting going forward with less staff and in light of my illness but I think/hope I've made the right decision.

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