
By SydneyHoopGirl

Magical Mardi Gras

A brief first entry. (or not..)

I've been an admirer of a dear friends blip for some time, and wanted to start my own. I hope it is a nice way to share some of my adventures. Facebook seems to be scrutinised, not used by all, and sometimes I want to gush about events though wish to be modest and use appropriately. This way the blip is a choice to read, and I hope you can join in the journey. I'll start for 1 month, until my birthday as a pilot.

Today I am happy, delighted, excited, beaming. Of course my first blip (New I-Phone will help facilitate with the internet dark ages that is my flat, and the Australian wi-fi desert)

After 10 days away from home in Bangkok (more on that in a later edition) I arrived home after a immigration and customs check, and with 45 minutes to turnaround made it out to Mardi Gras Parade to join my dear friends float Generation Future Hooper and perform in the parade, in front on 100,000 people. I am blessed.

Five years ago I watched on a milk crate, I was travelling, a close relative was undergoing treatment for cancer, I had just finished in a 9 year relationship and I had no idea what the future would hold.

5 years on. Today was a day where the sight of Bondi Beach made me cry with happiness.

After tea brought to me in bed, breakfast made, a pedicure at my new favourite beauty spa I drove to Bondi for a swim. First Sunday swim in 13 weeks (barring Christmas) where I was at the beach not to train for my bronze medallion. I was there knowing I am now qualified as a Surf Life Saver, and as a member of the oldest surf club in the world. After battling through the waves and a chat with 2 of the recently graduated 'bronzies' (as we were called) I drove up the hill to my favourite organic cafe and supermarket, drank a fresh coconut, stocked up on 'vegies' and drove home over the bridge (OTB) listening to Triple J.

Unpacking = boring, though with some Hed Kandi 'disco classics' on (Simmers a copy on it's way) I had a hoop to a passing cruise ship, a rainbow came out and I could not have been happier. Rainbows always make me smile. (Cherie = x)

I'm a long way from home, in love and living in Sydney. I miss my family, friends, Figaro and dear godchildren, and wish for a teleporter. Though I know that the god-monkeys will be proud of Auntie T - as I'm living my dream.

Right on that note. I'm off to bed. An emotional and rambling blip, though for those who know me well, I had to share this with you. Thank you for your support and love, and for all the sparkles. Happy Mardi Gras.

Ps I'm the one sparkling behind the handsome photographer...

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