Roly's Life

By Roly


A busy work day with lots of client demands requests that they all wanted done yesterday. I did what I could and switched the computer off at 6 as Smallest started his Scout Zoom meeting.

I have been so impressed with his Scout leader, she has gone above and beyond in my opinion. Smallest has enjoyed it and most of their group attend each week! The same for Princess and her Guide/Ranger unit - they have all been brilliant!

We tried Zoom meetings before Christmas for our Scouts but only a couple attended and it was ok but not great. Possibly as a Sea Scout group, ours are only with us for the sailing which just didn’t happen last year. Or perhaps us leaders are spending all day at computer screens and don’t have it in us to continue into the evening? Fingers crossed we can actually get out on the water with them this summer as that’s what we’re all about!

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