Loving it

but what is it?

For some weeks I’ve had a bee in the bonnet to make cats mats to sell to raise funds for Cats Protection. It’s taken weeks to look and order the materials, the first lot of wadding was too thin for example. This morning I was experimenting with size and thickness and the above photo shows little girl appreciating the end result. John had to hold it in place, she was well and truly poddling it to the point the mat moved away from her. Well that was good wasn’t it, that is until Jack came in and was encouraged to have a go, he wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole or whatever the cat equivalent might be. He had to go back out in disgust at these new tangled ideas.

Time will tell, I’m inclined to double the wadding which is made up of cotton and wool, little girl loved this when trying to cut it out. The faux fur which is horrible stuff for some reason appeals to cats, except Jack of course. I thought perhaps some recycled Harris tweed might do, that’s for another day.

I think that’s a capture of her claws, a blur of white.

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