Fiddly and Silly!
After a coffee FaceTime with my friend and then lunch the sun came out and I went out to do some more jobs in the garden.
It was lovely and warm in just a sweater. We could have gone for a walk but sun and weekends mean crowds in the village at the moment.
I oiled the benches for a second time and had another go at cleaning the table on the kitchen patio now son Alex has helped to move it down from the garden corner ( it has a ceramic top so is very heavy.)
Cleaned the old metal table and chairs and moved them to one side until we decide whether to keep them or not. The table usually just houses a large pot of plants which look nice but I’m hoping the other table and chair will encourage me to sit there now and again. It does look inviting but this little closed area is a bit of a sun trap and can be a too hot as there is no shade.
If you are wondering what the blip is I know at least two blippers who will recognise it. It has taken me two evenings to reach this stage, the ‘getting started’ bit is really fiddly. This is about half the length it’s needs to be and then there will be another one just like it to join at the top before starting the body. Yes it’s a big foot and skinny leg, stuff as you go. Perfect I thought for Silly Saturday. It is hopefully going to be Agnethe but I’m in no rush to finish it. Had the book and materials for quite some time but have been wary of starting. Maybe it will be for Christmas.
In other news I’ve finished Jude’s cotton side ways knit popover. It’s not worked out too bad but as I anticipated I wasn’t too happy with the raw edge neck so I’ve added a crocheted finish. Hopefully it is big enough to go over her head!
Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, silly or not
Now added a picture of the full leg, as I’ve just completed it, with the doll pattern. Having a rest to start the second one fresh
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