
Happy JR!!!
My home sweet home is overbooking with childrens-granchildren-dogs and.....we have sun!!!!!!
It's not my best capture, but the JR were so happy with this lovely weather!!!!

And I'm sure this evening " It's time to go to bed early for " Maninou"!!!!!!

PS Thank you for all your nice and lovely comments with my little Adèle and the JR:-))

2 eme PS
I just realize now it is my 665 entries!!!
I'm sorry!! I have so many wonderful and great ideas for this VIP day!!
But with my home " overbooking" ...i forget it...
Anyway...a blip day is a blip day...and this one is exactly the feeling of my JR today))
And i can't forget they are the true stars of my journal!!!!

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