Douche-bag Award 2021 Goes To...

A breezy day, a lot of showers, the odd sunny spell, but mostly cloudy.  Drier tonight. 

I've had my Saturday working in the museum, and the busiest day since we reopened.  A good few families in, and glad to see us open again.  Walkies after work, and then headed down for my shift in the shop.  It's been a busy night.  Mam popped up for a walk, and then feet up for the night. 

A real douche-bag moment at lunchtime, as my car fell into a stank.  I was out for a quick run, spotted a photo opportunity (which didn't happen after all), and let the car slowly roll back down the hill.  Before I knew it, I went into the ditch!  Being a small car, it caught on the verge, and I couldn't get out again.  Thankfully a local crofter, John Manson was up the road, and pulled me out, with no damage done.  I don't have a big ego, so no bruises there, but I did leave feeling rather red faced and foolish!  Oh well, I was lacking inspiration, so created my own!! Taken at Mews, Wester Quarff.  

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