Journies at home

By journiesathome


Sorry, it's a crap joke.  And it doesn't even hold because the car in the field with the horse is a Dyane 6, but heyhoo, simple pleasures etc...
However, it turned out that the joke was on me because when I left my old, condemnedTwingo (condemned by law, the car works like a treat and has never let me down but failed its MOT for a bunch of small things that accumulate to make a big bill and given its high mileage etc...) at the end of the track this morning to do my loop I had no idea that Nico had counted its losses and was negotiating her trading in for an older model in better nick.
The long and the short of it is that my 60CV was taken away this afternoon (and yes, masks do catch tears).
That wee car TALKED to the children (in a squeaky, effeminate voice) on all our journies when they were little.  She took us up mountains, to lakes, to the sea, to the start of new paths.  She  sat at the crossroads at Barthas for hours, waiting for us to come back from walking Pezegado, Bastonis and Pink House.  She put up with our mud, our arguments and our singing.  She hauled wood home and rubble to the tip, ran back and forth between the Moulin and No.10 with plates, meals, glasses and laundry.  
She was one classy gal.  
May her organs live on and her memory never die .....

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