Marine Scene

It was a sorta "undecided" day. The weather report said rain then decided not to and The Boss and ME went for a short stagger around the bay then decided to go to Miramar and see a movie at our favourite Theatre "The Roxy" and then we decided to walk back but had a "Facetime" call planned so decided to grab a Bus but it was such a nice day that we decided to jump off and walk over Mt Vic and have the Facetime at the top which worked a treat with our friend in Alabama USA and then The Boss decided to start down the hill and lost the Facetime but got some lovely sourdough bread at the supermarket, which he had to walk past anyway and he has now 22717 staggers 16 Km and 40 floors later decided he is tired. 
Todays woofer is Millie a 4 month old Black Lab who was happy to sociallise with anyone... Oh and YES we did sit on the seat before it got to be todays Blip.....

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