The cup!

Too pretty to throw away! A lovely cup but.. I’ve yet to find a good priced coffee where they consistently fill the cup properly..but I am enjoying the short walks to find a place. Overall though I’m not walking much now, tired, trying to study.
Tuesdays are long - double up business tutorials of three hours - how do I teach to encourage independence, to understand they have to do, not listen, to accept they’re going to have to put in more time than anything they’ve done before but not leave them floundering. They’re stressed too about their future, and it takes more managing.. It was nice though that one of my students had his guitar ready at the end of the break - they're used to me playing music to signal the end of the break - today it was their turn. 
A good chat with N after class, he's been with me since the beginning. I just wanted to understand what's going on - fear factor, he said. Will they pass, will they make it to Uni, compounded with the stress of lockdown, no work etc. It was a good chat. At the end, Teach, he said to me, I've been wanting to ask you something but I wasn't sure. Go on, I said. He asked if I'd read his business plan and make comments. Well, what a compliment that he values my input. I've agreed. Some days end well. 

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