"Wakey wakey!"

Ping, PINGPingping.

Are you old enough?
I went out to harvest a bit of vitamin D and do the odd little job, like giving the Sarracenias a hair-cut.  Seems they have a bit of a rest over winter and some of their trumpets die back. 
I've seen photos of some with all clipped and some with only some clipped back.  I had noticed the Pinguiculas (Pinguiculae) (Better known, perhaps, as butterworts) had totally vanished from sight.  Fortunately I decided NOT the jetison them, but wait and see what happened.
THIS happened.  There's a slight problem in that I've forgotten exactly which one(s) it/they is/are.  I dare say the carnivorous plant group'll put me right.
As the P&P was the same irrespective of how many bought, and they weren't an arm and a leg, I got two; looks like I may fetch up with four.

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