
By Poppy

Motherly Love

Such a beautiful day today, bright and sunny, with a stiff breeze. Perfect for drying towels on the line, although I did have to keep going out and repegging them back on everytime they'd been blown off! The ewes and lambs have been out all day, the ewes grazing whilst the lambs have been dozing in little groups of half a dozen or so, enjoying the sunshine.

Had a bit of a disaster last night when Ollie ran infront of the car and got his paw run over. He and I were outside playing with his frisbee and he just ran straight into the front wheel as M drove into the yard. M didn't have a chance to avoid him, and he was so upset about it. Ollie's got a cracked bone in his foot, and is sporting a big purple bandage. It is all strapped up so hopefully he won't need a plaster cast. He's been very good and isn't chewing at it or making a fuss at all. Poor old dog, he's having a bit of a struggle to jump on the couch!

So nice to see Mrs C enjoying her socks! Thanks for the link, Mr C!
Have a happy Easter everyone!

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