Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

You gotta dig it

We went to Garson farm in Esher, where there is a garden centre and farm shop. Sort of place where you can get a candle for twenty five quid and a cucumber for the price of a sandwich lunch. Pleasant to wander around but they were selling 10kg bags of potatoes for £13; exactly the same size and brand in our local grocers is £8. 

We did buy an overpriced cat bed for Scout, which he absolutely loves (see extra).

Meanwhile, down the road in Cobham ...

That kind of greed explains where the Diggers got their early socialist philosophy from. Long before Marx (Karl not Groucho) they espoused living for the common good and toiling the shared soil. Didn’t do them much good. The local nobility drove them out by any means possible, economic and violent. 

Still, this rather nice mosaic three hundred and seventy years or so later does a good job of setting the record straight. 

I started making a dining table for the patio using one of the old pine doors we removed last week; will look good when finished (see extra). Chairs are all from local thrift shops. Also extended the outdoor area by re-arranging the trellis and putting up an ivy screen; so twenty four hours later we are already on to patio Mk II. This year’s theme is definitely boho.

I have also signed up to Noom (which is apparently mooN spelt backwards), a weight loss and lifestyle app. It’s basically motivational calorie counting, but I need to loose two stone to get into my desired weight range and am determined to lose that belly fat. My coach is based in Las Vegas and is called Macy. Weird to think of it. A young woman halfway around the world helping an old git in Woking like me. But all she really has to do is keep challenging me to meet my metrics, and the app is impressive enough, so fingers crossed. 

Good day.

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