
By Yeda

Friday's Flower

It was a very nice warm day for a stroll at Longwood Gardens. I'm so glad the kids still get excited to come here. A little bit of peace.

This was a lazy last day of Spring Break, which I managed to get a little shopping in with the kids in tow. It was a trying time since my four-year-old never let up for one minute; incessantly requesting that I buy one particular toy, which she clutched tightly in her little hands the entire time. I felt a bit self conscious, to repeat loudly for nearby shoppers to hear me say, "Absolutely not. I am not going to buy it, so DON"T ASK ME AGAIN!" I felt like a very mean mother.

Forty million requests and the same forty million No's. She can zap the energy right out of me. After the check out lady informed her that she cannot reduce the price to free, Alyssa finally agreed to write Santa and add it to her list.

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