
After some discussion and mulling I ordered a new phone (I was due an 'upgrade') which will hopefully be an improvement on my not-very-smart phone. Ooh, since I mainly use the things for messaging and phone calls (imagine!), I didn't think to check the spec of the camera. It's got to be an improvement, surely.

Obviously being in the mood to spend money, I went across the Water to Tiso and bought myself a new thermos flask (since D has the useful sized one with him in Hull). On the way across I noticed that Mme Swan was trying out the nest for comfort and moving the odd twig about. They're so much better at nest building than magpies, but then I suppose they aren't trying to do it halfway up a tree. M. Swan was patrolling (oh, isn't he a character in Proust?).

Later I had a very welcome conversation with lovely Jacobien (see her in the extra here) who has gone over to stay at Ogatodomar's while he's poorly. For all his concerned blip chums, the testing continues as they try to track down the source of the problem. He's very exhausted by it all - but he has lots of support around him, especially Bien who is a total STAR! xxx

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