The skerry and lighthouse

It has been a beautiful, quite warm (-8 - -5c degrees) and very sunny day - it feels so unbelieveably super that Sun Really Was Shining all day here!

Thanks for your lovely comments and chats again yesterday - and the stars too.

I took some time for just me alone, so I left for a walk. There was a thick ice in Nasijarvi and it has been years since I last time walked to skerry Siilinkari. What an exellend heading!

Siilinkari is a lighthouse on a skerry in the Nasijarvi lake, about 1,4 distance from Mustanlahti or Lapinniemi harbour. If the ice is strong enough, as almost every year is, you can walk there. Or even drive car there, if there is some happenings... Yesterday some people had their zumba-excercise at the skerry, but today there was only some people walking, skiing and skating. I left car near the shore. Nice, windy and quiet. A lot of paragliders, some skiers and skaters on lake. It was very nice to walk despite of the north wind (my twisted ankle got some excercise too) - and I had a hot juice and a sausage at the skerry.

Here is the link to the route ;) to Siilinkari and back.... You really can see how slow it was to walk on ice. There was 10cm layer of new snow (after the storm yesterday) and I did not make any hurry.

The Siilinkari is actually a dangerous place in summertime for mariners, you really must not go near it, that is why there is a lighthouse too.

In Tampere's history there was the most severe maritime disaster in Finnish lakes or rivers as the steam ship SS Kuru sank in Nasijarvi besides the Siilinkari skerry on 7 September 1929.
The wind was hard, claims of up to 11.5 Beauforts (17-20 m/s). There was some problems in the balance of the ship because of too high cabin structures, and as the big waves brought water onto the deck, it couldn't get away enough. The sinking led to the loss of 138 lives, as there were 150 passengers and 12 crew members total.
The wreck was raised in the same year and repaired; the ship had suffered only minor damage. After the disaster some cabin structures were removed to improve the ship's balance. SS Kuru served after the repairing in use until 1939. It had it's daily route to northern parts of Nasijarvi.

After the Siilinkari walk I had some lunch and then took another short sunny walk to Rosenhahl -beach - to the another lake of Tampere, Pyhajarvi. The Nikon still with me.

Now as sun has set I have so many shiny photos, that it was hard to choose one here. So I share my flickr site to you and for a while you maybe can feel the sunny day feelings of both Nasijarvi and Pyhajarvi ;)

Heading to a nice week - I hope!!!

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