Family Dog

By Family_Dog

guapo with mappa

The holiday started at 3.30am this morning, in the midst of an AMAZING sleep (it? always the way, isn´t it?) the alarm went off and up we jumped ready to spring into our holiday. Well, kind of. I staggered around trying not to sound ungrateful whilst being REALLY pissed off at being woken up at that ungodly hour, dreading waking up The Boy for fear of him being in an equally shitty mood and thus creating a hellish beginning to the journey.

More fool me. When it was time to wake Arlo up, he lay and laughed, then relaxed all the way to the plane, was a dreamboat on the plane, waved at everybody, smiled at everybody, slept for a bit and generally was a perfect specimen of babyhood. Actually, it was a joy to travel with him.

We´ve lost about 8 things (including Arlo´s bloody jacket) but we are finally here - well, at the first of the last bit. One night in Malaga then we're off to our wee villa in the hills. I won't be updating again I don't think - the hotel we're in has free laptop and internet usage.

Now we've just got to work out how the hell to get to them there hills and we're at the last bit of the last bit!

Am typing this on the spanish keyboard by the way, whilst drinking wine, in case you're wondering.....

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