Royal Flush

If you’d been in a coma for the last year (congratulations - you picked the best possible time for that), and woke up today, you might still be unaware that it has been quite a time while you were out - because pretty much all that was on the news today was THAT interview.

To be clear, I have zero interest in the royal family and will only willingly pay attention to them on the glorious day when they are booted out for good (ideally peacefully, but it’s not a deal breaker). I have grudging respect for the Queen, but there rest of them are various different flavours of unlikable.

That being said, it has been fun to see the racist, misogynistic and class obsessed British press having a massive attack of the vapours when being accurately called out on their behaviour.

Particularly Piers Morgan. I can’t lie, it was very unsettling when that stopped clock found himself at the right time when he was eviscerating the government for their lying, cheating, corruption and incompetence - so it is almost a relief to see his return to the world class bell end we know him to be.

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