New 3rd ager

By 1pTrader

Overnight visitors....

I wathched the Megan - Oprah interview last night and then the news so went to bed a bit later than normal.  Light off, and I quickly realised we had lodger in the roof......apparently squirals are more likely to take up residence in roof than rats. I ventured out to buy a couple of rat and mouse traps,  we also have a wildlife camera, so we set it all up in the loft and  tonight will look at the camera footage with interest. 

My new years resolution  to do my bit for the planet, was like many, to reduce the amount of plastic that comes into the house.  Shampoo  and hand soap was my  focus, so have been experimenting with making my own soap.Quite happy with my results, I decided I could use off cuts of wood to  make  a mould for my soap - get me and my carpentry skills.. I may even blip it when I have made it later this week.

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