
By MoezaremiA

Poorna again

So I woke up pretty early after the night before but without a hangover (rarely get them) and feeling pretty good. Stayed in the house for a few hours, getting stuff done, then planned to go to the library. Just happened to glance in my diary and realised I was meant to be at work an hour ago... shitt....

Got changed, got on my bike and was there in 10 mins. Spent the rest of the day at the duck (well until 6pm) then came home for about half an hour, then went to the library. Loving life.

Organised with Nathaniel when he would visit (next weekend) so looking forward to that. Also Cheese and Wine eve and TedxWarwick to go to.

Oh yeah the pic - not a particularly good one (sorry Poorna) but it's all I took.

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