It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Warwick Castle Blip Meet

What a fabulous day! A blipmeet with drpeej and My 365 in pictures in Warwick today.
I tell you I have not had such a great day since....I cant remember!
It was good to see Peter as the last time I saw him was at LPH in November last year.
Its my second Sunday photographing with Paula since we first met a couple of weeks ago. (Thanks to Blipfoto)
After messing about on the river side we went for a coffee in one of Warwicks tea rooms and disscussed all things photographic.
I was going to blip Peter and Paula at their tripods ready for action but Paula blipped a Swan and Peter blipped a couple of obliging ladies in a boat I thought best I Blip the Castle!
So here it is.
Thank you two for a wonderful day. I can go to work very happy tonight.....tired but happy :-)

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