Take off

I had a lovely morning with the two smallest wildlings.
The Jedi is at a really fun stage and love's to throw balls around and likes to interact. When he was sleeping I did some math's with Harp and I have a great spider story that helps with this .

I also managed to have a phone consultation with a speech therapist regarding Lincoln. And thankfully she is in agreement with me with his hearing, and as well as his paediatric doctor, and audiologist the speech therapist will write a letter to ENT suggesting that we try a hearing aid for him to help with the low frequency sounds that he can't hear. There has been no progress over the last year and a half so I hope that when we can finally see ENT they will stop putting a aid off and actually try one.

I also finished my dragon today and the owner of who it will be going to love's it. She came up with ideas of what she wanted.

I'm making the Wildlings dinner and having a quick catch up on blip. Thank you for all your advice I have ordered a special kind of pencil grip. Different from the triangular ones but ones where the fingers can be placed better. Especially for Lincoln as they should help his wrist be in the correct position too .

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