Did You Hear The One......

...... about the dog, the fox and the cat?

I was going to title this one 'Boom- Boom'  after Basil Brush.  But I wasn't sure if many people would know who I meant.  (English people will!)

Today was wet.  But I had to go out to get some prescriptions.

I then went to the local shopping centre to order a book.  And have a look around.

I came home with a tin of Sustagen and 2 balls of wool.

I then sat online and bought another pattern.  I really wish we could still buy patterns in the shops.  But they seem to be coming few and far between.

Alexandra phoned to say, she has bronchitis, and had taken the day off work.  Her little family has taken a bit of a battering lately with sickness.

It would've been nice for Mia to have her Mum at home today.

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