It's twins!
It's been one of those changeable days alternating between wind with heavy showers and sun. I set out in sun but it rained for my whole walk and the sun came out as I got a few yards from home.
The farmer across the road has a flock of sheep away from his farmhouse so always uses the farmhouse lawn for any ewe needing special help.
Since doing blip I've monitored when they arrive. Yesterday I heard bleating coming from a barn but were not outside as the weather was terrible. I checked Blip and last years came exactly one year to the day and it was triplets.
Today mum and the twins were out on the lawn and I had a look as I set off for my walk. I took photos when I arrived back, one was walking around on wobbly legs and feeding from mum. The other lamb was in exactly the same position as when I set off and wasn't feeding. I hope that it will be alright - at least the farmer will be able to keep an eye on it as it's close to home.
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