Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


I think we’ve done pretty well so far but cabin fever is starting to set in a bit now.  At least it is only just over a week until we complete on the new house so at least we can spend time in a different place even if we aren’t actually moving in yet.  To do something different I drove into town to get some fish for tonight’s meal; I was interested to see that, at least round here, the parking attendant was still working hard, and that the branch of the bank I used to work for that closed last year, will soon be reopening selling ‘Gelato, Chocolate, Coffee and Churros’.  I do rather like churros, and there isn’t a decent ice cream shop in town that I’m aware of, so that’s good news.

Anyway, to the photo.  On the way home I parked at Salthouse and walked out to the beach.  Not far; probably less than half a mile there and back, but on the way I disturbed a pair of ducks that decided to fly off.  So here’s a duck.

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