
By HarryJ

At the swipe of a finger

...and the touch of a button.

I came across a free app from Adobe, Photoshop Camera, and thought "No, it can't do that" (It's not a new app, less than a year old though)
So I took a deliberately bad photo of some cameras on my desk with my phone against a plain wall background and used the app for one of its most extreme filters. 
The app replaced the original plain grey wall with the balloons, added shadows to the front of the cameras, and relit the whole photo. And then I cropped it. Amazing!
The extra photo uses one of the other filters, or "lenses" as Adobe calls them.
Now it's a whimsical photo to say the least but it answered my questions as to whether it would be useful for e-blips. I think it will, so no more excuses.

Ah well...

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