Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

On reflection ...

... I should have stayed in bed. It was a day of insignificant woe, much of it due to last night’s storm, which really rattled the rafters. The roofing felt blew off the garage. The patio was wrecked and half the lights broken. 

Having said that I managed to fix everything in the hour before dark, climbing over the garage roof and pinning back the badly torn felt until our builder can come over next week. I can order more bulbs online. And the patio was restored with a few new screws.

Work was painful. And dull. 

But I did get out for a walk during a sunny interlude (it was mostly wet). The canal looks lovely under blue skies. So not all bad ...

Other news: 

Strider got excellent results from Uni for his first semester. 
Today is the first anniversary of WHO declaring a pandemic

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