
...for the claw trim a bit earlier.

A very warm day, it reached 79 degrees (26C). I took D to school this morning; I. decided to stay home because she could get more done. In other words, finish schoolwork for some classes during the slow parts of others. Kind of plays havoc with attentiveness, this Zoom school, and there's a definite disconnect between teacher and student. Surprisingly, a significant number of other students who'd selected the hybrid option (here that means attending in person every Th and F) also stayed home today. Seems odd...there's this chance to see other students, and this was exciting last week, but there's also a malaise or isolation that's set in. Plus considerable caution...only 20% of Valley's families chose to send their students back even just two days a week.

Yummy leftovers for dinner and an early night. It's Friday tomorrow...hope the week winds up well for you all.

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