Running behind

I have got images for the last two days but I seem to have spent the last few days catching up with other things.  I found these two dried Peace Lily flowers when I was tending to a much neglected plant.  I suspect that it might provide me with a few more days of blip.  This was the colour version not the white one.

I've had quite a productive day today and finally managed to strip the sheets off my bed that were left from when my son stayed - weeks ago.  I’ve now got a fresh looking set on and it looks more like my room again.  I’m not sure I’m ready to move back but maybe getting closer.  Oh and I almost missed a Zoom meeting with the small coordinating group for our 2020 Vision Book that is only waiting for the forward before it can be printed.  Thank you Lyn for the reminder.

I’ve been outside twice today.  The first time to fill up all the bird feeders,  which involved an expedition around the garden and the second to sit outside the patio door and photograph the Blue Tits as they feed on the peanuts.  Kelly my physio thought I needed to get out in the sun and absorb more vitamin D - maybe I should take the supplement.

I’ve had a sit this afternoon with my foot up and some coffee and a video conversation about whether Impressionist is the best way of describing Valda Bailey’s images.  A conversation with GG that began with politics and moved on through Impressionism, Cubism and began to consider Expressionism.  We’ve been having a conversation about whether the camera, when used to produce very abstract images, is being used as an artistic medium, in a way that other artists might, for example,  use oil-paint or pastel or collograph.

The blue tits feeding is the first photo I’ve taken outdoors since the day I slipped on the grass bank.

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