Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Another day of mixed weather, sunshine and blue skies followed by rain. While Xena was out on a walk with P the dog walker and her friends, I went off to get groceries. I also had to go to the post office and so on the way there I stopped off to take some photos of daffodils. I took many images of daffodils but I did not like any of them and found them too boring - so I came home and faffed around with layers and tried to make the daffodils look interesting but nothing worked for me. In the end I wandered around the garden taking photos of crocuses and hellebores, Xena now home again and getting in the way of every photo I tried to take! This is taken with the lensbaby. 

I also spent some time watching a video sent to me about the new Nikon cameras to be released later this year. I was very tempted to get a full frame mirrorless camera 18 months ago but I held off, but now I must confess the rumoured new Z8 does look very tempting! (To compete with the Canon R5) The problem is they are so expensive as are their lenses.

I clean forgot I had booked for a zoom talk this morning - to be fair to myself they did not send the link yesterday, and so it was sent 30 minutes before the talk started when I was in the middle of the supermarket! I seem to keep forgetting these zoom talks - I forgot another one earlier this week but that was the day after my vaccine when I wasn't feeling well. Note to self - do not forget the RPS zoom talk booked for Saturday afternoon! 

And so it is the weekend again - and this Sunday is also Mothering Sunday! We have a dine at home meal booked so I don't have to cook.

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