Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Self-portrait Sunday...

One. of. those. days.

Feeling absolutely frazzled. Today was full of minor stresses and strains, insults and injuries, cockups beyond my control, cockups within my control, hassles from all angles. Few of them would even really register on a normal day, but put them all together and you feel like you've lived a month in 16 hours. Sunday looked at my plans for a relaxing afternoon of street photography and laughed in my face.

So here I am, just home, hungry and blipless at 10pm, with a seriously damaged left elbow, answering a stream of texts from my sister about matching dressing gowns with 'bridesmaid' on the back, in a flat that's slowly filling up with boxes that I have no time to unpack, with an email inbox that I can't even dare to look at.

But I do have a new balaclava. And this time next week it'll be with me in Lapland. Just keep thinking of Lapland...

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