Leaf (Day 2120)

A much needed day off, though Talisker thought it appropriate to nose poke me out of bed at 7am so I could take him and Sigyn out for a wander up the hill. He did well with the timing, and we arrived just as a heavy shower blew past. The next shower arrived as I stood around at the truck waiting for Talisker to appear from his wanders in the wilderness. He would probably have taken longer to come back if there hadn't been a sharp hail shower.
Later, when my beautiful wife arrived home from her overnight shift at work, I accompanied her on a trip to Stromness to do hoss checks and yard clearing. The frequent heavy showers discouraged us from wanting to go out for a ride, but it was good to potter around with the horses.
Home for lunch, then a wander out at Lyde where we got caught in a shower of hail and sleet as we headed back to the car.
I settled down for an afternoon of rugby (and snoozing) on the couch while HV returned to Stromness to do hoss manicures and haircuts.

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