The Princess and the Sleepy Shoes

Orla made up a story this morning. She wanted to make it into a book, so I wrote the words for her in a notebook and she illustrated each page. In the afternoon she went to the soft play, got her party bag from yesterday and visited the twins with Ryan and Auntie Katie. So she is a happy girl again. And mummy got a rest, so I'm happy too.

The Princess and the Sleepy Shoes
Once upon a time there was a Princess. She lived in the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The Princess wanted to move, because the Leaning Tower of Pisa had no toys, no television, no sinks or toilets and no tables or chairs or bowls.

She had to sing a special song very loudly to get the door to grow bigger so that she could fit through. Then she would unlock the door and go to the train station to buy a ticket to go to her new house.

But a Mean Witch cast a spell on the Princess's shoes. She said "abracadabra" and turned them into sleeping shoes! The Princess fell fast asleep for a whole day!

A handsome Prince came along on his horse. The Prince said "giddy up horse" and the horse said "neigh". He went up the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the lift. He had to kiss the Princess to break the spell.

The Mean Witch saw the Prince and she was very angry. She said "arghh!" She got on her broomstick to stop the Prince, but the Biggest Person In The World said: "No, stop Witch! You must not be mean. Go back to Mean Witch Land!" And the Mean Witch disappeared back to Mean Witch Land.

The Prince gave the Princess a kiss and her sleeping shoes became normal shoes. She went and bought her train ticket and got the train to her new house that had toys and a bed and sinks and tables and chairs and bowls and she lived happily ever after. The End. (Oh, the Prince and his horse got to go to her new house too and they all went on a dog train).

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