
By DancingAly

Busy Busy...

I ordered this pic for my wall and it came in the mail today. Love Elizabeth Taylor and enjoyed watching all her films from the sixties- seems like a simpler time.

Had a lovely dinner out with two friends at a nice pub. Was fab to catch up. Every time the poor waitress came over we had to ask her to give us a few minutes as we had yet to stop talking long enough to look at the menu :-) Ended up taking a little detour on our way home, on the way towards Hartley Witney- pretty much the opposite direction we wanted to be going in!

Got back late and it really through me for a loop. I was beyond tired today, and it kind of spoiled dancing in the afternoon. I had no energy and couldn't wait to go home, even chatting with my friends was an effort.

All snuggled up in bed now, watching 90210:-)

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