New Growth

Emma called round this morning, bearing flowers and a card for Ann for tomorrow's Mother's Day.  She is keeping well, and busy in their new house, and we had an up to date look at the pic taken of our expectant grandson from her latest scan. The weather was just good enough to sit in the garden to chat and drink tea.

Talking of new growth, I took this picture this afternoon whilst on my daily walk.  I had decided to go to, and across, Shottery Fields and noticed the horse chestnut tree was budding.  The wind was still strong and I felt a bit done-in by the time I arrived home.  I collapsed in front of the TV and watched the England France match; not wanting to sound unpatriotic, but I actually thought France were the better team overall, even though they marginally lost.

We had an aubergine curry for tea that I had started preparing this morning and Ann finished off this afternoon.

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