Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

we've got a castle, y'know...

So tonight was the Scottish Licensed Trade's 'Best Bar None' awards ceremony, held in Edinburgh's Grand Sheraton Hotel. What a tough shift for me...

All was good, except the starter that involved a poached egg - I don't eat eggs in any shape or form. Irony was that the waitress had previously asked if I had any dietary requests, and I had confidently replied in the negative. My own stupid fault.

The MC was Fred MacAuley, and he gave a fairly decent account of himself. Re-cycling jokes sure is a lucrative business these days...

A quick snap of the castle was all I could muster.

Early start tomorrow for my flight to Birmingham. Focus on Imaging 2013 awaits. If you see me there buy me a coffee please say hello.

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