A hug and a picture
Herb decided we needed to document the end of a pandemic year with some hope going into the next year….so here we are with all 4 grandkids today…first a hug then a picture. The routine is masks…but when do we not need them…???… Nik has had Covid but Oskar has not and is out and about…football game tonight . Tatum and Fiona are out and about much less…altho Tatum is just about to leave for a friend’s 18th birthday in a park….so we took off our masks for that picture. Sun made our glasses dark.... Plan to pick up Fiona next week to do a walk or something…that will be a first too. It’s very heartening, but I think the whole family is being very cautious and responsible . Never have we felt so little! ((Note that's my RIGHT gimpy arm around Nik) Those boys might not be done growing yet! And for you that saw Oskar’s birthday blip, these are his new “drip clothes”….. you can see “the billionaires club” label in the second extra…there is a woven picture of an astronaut on the front. (?) It’s a Patagonia jacket.
And of course I had to include the granddogs, with their Dads, our sons. !st extra. Sort of a similar pose. Poor Cocoa Bean…yesterday she was spayed so has the cone back….she was full of energy tho!
Very interesting conversation with all the kids about returning to school as it used to be, and our governor has ordered for mid April. They say the teachers have quizzed them online (altho Oskar says most in his class don’t talk online because they’re “introverts”!) and the majority, including these 3 teens don’t want more disruption.. It would be part time there with one teacher, online part time with another teacher, and it;’s “just not worth it for 2 months.” Right now all the 2 oldest are thinking about is what college to go to. Nik did say if they went back it might be fun instead of how it would be at the end of their last regular year. He's very flexible, and of course wants the basketball "season". Fiona would like to go to her school but mainly for the spring play which understandably might not happen.,..
A dilemma.
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