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By joshw


Another long ride on my the Steamroller today. Today's ride was the most windy and most hilly that I've done on a single speed. Plus, I went to the grocery store and got a sixer and some lettuce for dinner. The ride back involved a crash and a near miss with a F150 that contained a off-duty cop, who completely ignored me both in the driveway to the 711 I was passing (and stopped) and while I was resting outside of the store drinking water. Needless to say, upon returning home I was beat and decided to forego the Night Riders ride tonight. I'm sad, because I haven't made it in approaching two months, and the weather is just sooo good. And they are stopping at my favorite stops; T&P and Gingerman. Great places.

BTW, for those who haven't seen this bike yet, I blipped about it earlier last month. It's a brilliant ride. It's single speed non-fixed. But I'm going to be switching it over to a fixed soon.

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