
One of the things that annoys me more than anything else in the world is injustice. I hate it when someone in a position of strength or power uses it to abuse someone/thing/place in a position of relative weakness. That may be a man abusing a woman, or an adult abusing a child, or a big company bullying a small one, or as in this stamp's case a human abusing an animal.

The RSPCA is the oldest animal charity in the world, though within a few years of its foundation many others were established. While one can argue about some elements about how these various charities operate, the basic principle of trying to prevent cruelty to animals is a good one. The RSPCA has shown for example that men who deliberately abuse animals often do the same to women and children, so dealing with someone for beating a dog may help save a child or a woman's life later on...

On the local TV we have a regular adopt an animal show, from a few SPA  shelters. They like they their British equivalent have a range of abused and abandoned, animals that they do their best to re-home. As far as I can tell all the shelters in the programme have a no euthanasia policy for unhomed animals, so in some cases the animal may spend it's whole life at the shelter, never being able to find a forever-home.

Back in 1990 I would have been at University, having completed my first year and returning for my second year. That year and the following we lived in a recently refurbished terrace house in the Hyde Park district of Leeds - it's still there according to Google, and the scaffolding polls that our landlord put in place after we were burgled in the final year to repair the door are still visible to day...! Looking back the area hasn't improved, and some of the buildings look like they've had no work done on them in the 30 years since I left Leeds...!

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